Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Belinda Owino of The Hateful Eight! Autographs! Photos!

When I went to The Hateful Eight premiere not many of the stars signed but I was happy to get Belinda as I had never gotten her before and she was a new name for the collection!

Belinda Owino Signed Wallet Photos Encapsulated by PSA/DNA

Pam Grier of Jackie Brown! Autographs! Photos!

This one stung a bit. When I went to the Quentin star ceremony Pam showed up and I had no idea she would be there. Normally when I see her she never signs. Of course on this day she did. I didn't have any of her photos pulled but luckily I did have a couple poster shots for her to sign.

Pam Grier Signed 8x10 Photo Authenticated by PSA/DNA

Pam Grier Signed 8x10 Photo Authenticated by PSA/DNA

Christian Slater and Said Faraj of True Romance! Autographs! Photos!

These are the kind of photos I love completing. Its not all about the big names to me. Its about the smaller names that populate all the Quentin movies and make them so good!

Christian Slater and Said Faraj Signed 12x18 Photo Authenticated by PSA/DNA

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Dennis Christopher of Django Unchained! Autographs! Photos!

When I went to the Walk of Fame star ceremony for Quentin I had no idea Dennis would be there and when I saw him all I had was a couple poster shots and he was kind enough to sign them for me.

Dennis Christopher Signed 8x10 Photo Authenticated by PSA/DNA

Dennis Christopher Signed 8x10 Photo Authenticated by PSA/DNA

Dennis Christopher Signed 8x10 Photo Authenticated by PSA/DNA